
There are a lot of ways in making money. Many people is always looking for an alternative on how to make extra money in any ways, it may be an offline or online.

Online Blogging
Many and more people always realize that Online blogging is the best way to start a small online business with your own. No big capitals needed in online blogging, you have just to start thinking what is your passion of doing and sharing to others.

There already ways on how to setup a blog online through wordpress, blogger and other more.. In online blogging you have to be patient and creative in writing and passion on it. You should post a  words to be more than 600 - 700 words. But the most interesting question is what are you going to blog about, Politics, Finances, Careers, Employment, Movies? and lot more.

Now you have already have the idea on how to blog. Just start a blog the one you like most so that you will out of words to tell.

Google Adsense
If you already have setup your blog or web site, you have to register or sign up for Google Adsense. But there are ways and means to maximize your income from Google Adsense, and as you get to know more about it you can start to generate a decent income from it that will keep rolling in month after month. It’s a true passive income, which is why so many people are using it.

You'll just to add some contextual ads on your website or blogs. The ads will the bait and your target is the fish. What I'm trying to say here is that the google ads is bait and the fish is your viewer, once the viewer is interested or he'll find a what he looking for in your ads and click it. You already have a extra income for it just by clicking the ads but you don't to click your own ads to earn extra earnings you should also read the terms and conditions in google adsense.

Trading Money with Forex rates
There a lot of people and new to trading money. Many people are trading money in different currencies. In Forex trading many people are buying and selling different currencies of money. If you already knew about trading in stock market it is already easy for you to exchange some goods. The main purpose of forex trading is to exchange currencies that you've purchased for another. The currencies is quoted in pairs such as USD/JPY or GBD/USD. The reason for this is because you’re always buying one and selling another.  For more information just go to Forex Websites.. Forex

Becoming a offline Sales Agent and selling your products online
You have to apply to become a sales agent and try selling it online. There are lot of Sales Agent out there that they will be selling there products online. Which could be easy and not tiring to speak you only have to provide some information of your products. This could also help you to improve your ability on how to deal with your clients online. There are already a lot of forums regarding the Buy and Sell you could sell your products on that thread. It helps your effort to introduce your products from door to door. Many people right now are already in the web searching for products online.

Becoming a street performer
If you know how to dance, play some instruments like guitar, piano and etc., can sing or tell a jokes you could probably get an extra cash by performing in the public. By that own means you can make money. Make a good act and find place to perform. Give some people live of entertainment and hopefully they will give you some tips.

Garbage collection or Recycle
By collecting some tin cans, bottles, new papers,plastic and others you can make a money out of it. But you have to make some effort looking for cans and bottles in the street. And sell your collection in the junk shops. By this means you already making money.

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